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playing therapy中文是什么意思

用"playing therapy"造句"playing therapy"怎么读"playing therapy" in a sentence


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  • Play therapy is rooted in psychoanalysis , sigmund freud was the first person who integrated psychotherapy with play
  • For the more service attachment of the rooms , not only chinese restaurant offers favorites cuisine with cantonese dishes , but also the hilford healthy aqua - gym , it will supply the general service from the massage , swimming pool , to all sorts of the water play therapy
  • At present , play therapy is pregnant with innovations : special considerations for the role of play therapists ; the double innovations of diagnostic value and therapeutic function ; the arise of short - term play therapy ; the more special populations in play therapy day by day
  • In a comprehensive view of play therapy ' s history in the past one hundred years , three main stages can he found : psychoanalytic play therapy , structured play therapy and humanistic play therapy ; and two types of children play therapy models are formed progressively : focused play therapy and non - directive play therapy
  • The association arranged " value - added luncheon talks " on a wide range of topics that were delivered by professional speakers from different fields . the association also organised " lunchtime leisure series " including fun with djembe , workshop on play therapy , desk stretches exercises , pilates and fat - burn aerobics . members can acquire knowledge and regain energy from heavy workloads through joining these activities
用"playing therapy"造句  
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